Updated:  9/12/19

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Above (1850): Senator Henry Foote (D-MS) pulls a pistol on Senator Thomas Hart Benton (D-MO), who charges towards him. "Scene in Uncle Sam's Senate. 17th April 1850". Credit: Library of Congress.

Above (1850): Senator Henry Foote (D-MS) pulls a pistol on Senator Thomas Hart Benton (D-MO), who charges towards him. "Scene in Uncle Sam's Senate. 17th April 1850". Credit: Library of Congress.

Above (1858): One of the most infamous brawls in U.S. House history, it culminated in Rep. John "Bowie Knife" Potter (R-WI) ripping the hairpiece off the head of Rep. William Barksdale (D-MS). "Congressional Row, in the U.S. House of Representatives…

Above (1858): One of the most infamous brawls in U.S. House history, it culminated in Rep. John "Bowie Knife" Potter (R-WI) ripping the hairpiece off the head of Rep. William Barksdale (D-MS). "Congressional Row, in the U.S. House of Representatives, Midnight of Friday, February 5th, 1858." Credit: Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives.